After research and client meetings, we presented six hand sketched logo options. There were three options chosen for digitization.
We conducted an internal survey in the clients office with attorneys and administrative staff to confirm the final logo.
The final brand mark is a violet hand over a turquoise heart with white outline that is simple and modern, yet resonates with the target audiences and the end user.
The turquoise heart symbolizes the heart of the senior and the hand is the people who support the senior (lawyers, caregivers, medical workers, family members.
A brand is much more than a visual image. It is the sum of the experience one has, and that reaction subsequently shapes their beliefs about the brand. A brand identity furthers the alignment of an organization’s value with an individual’s values; it is the moment that they remember, the story that they share, the feeling they respond to, the compassion that they hear, the empowerment that they receive, and the consistency that they experience.
The brand mark developed for the Tennessee Senior Law Alliance is the visual of the program. It is a recognizable symbol of love and compassion that seniors across the state of Tennessee will be drawn to because of its symbolism.
In September 2018 we were engaged by the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands to develop a logo mark for a program called The Tennessee Senior Law Alliance (“The Alliance”). The Alliance is a program under the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee & the Cumberlands that helps low income seniors (and their caregivers) with their legal issues like wrongful denials or reductions to healthcare and benefits, illegal barriers to housing, as well as physical, emotional and financial abuse and exploitation. The Alliance also helps senior’s with basic estate planning and will preparation.
A brand is much more than a visual image. It is the sum of the experience one has, and that reaction subsequently shapes their beliefs about the brand. A brand identity furthers the alignment of an organization’s value with an individual’s values; it is the moment that they remember, the story that they share, the feeling they respond to, the compassion that they hear, the empowerment that they receive, and the consistency that they experience.
The brand mark developed for the Tennessee Senior Law Alliance is the visual of the program. It is a recognizable symbol of love and compassion that seniors across the state of Tennessee will be drawn to because of its symbolism.
Presenting the final Brand Standards Guide for the Tennessee Senior Law Alliance